SBOM Generation Tools

Tool data: apko TOOL1 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: apko
generation: yes
transformation: yes
cyclonedx: yes
spdx: yes


apko provides SBOM support by producing SBOM documents for OCI images.

Tool data: CycloneDX Tool Center TOOL2 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: CycloneDX Tool Center
generation: yes
cyclonedx: yes

CycloneDX Tool Center

Generates CycloneDX format SBOMs. Full list of tools can be found in the CycloneDX Tool Center.

Tool data: Docker SBOM TOOL3 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: Docker SBOM
generation: yes
cyclonedx: yes

Docker SBOM

Generates SBOMs for Docker images with the currently experimental docker sbom command. Based on Syft. For more detail, please visit the Docker SBOM Documentation.

Tool data: FatBOM TOOL4 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: FatBOM
generation: yes
transformation: yes
spdx: yes


FatBOM generates SBOMs via Syft, Salus, SPDX SBOM Generator and K8s BOM and composes them into a single SPDX SBOM in JSON format. Full details can be found in the FatBOM GitHub repository.

Tool data: KubeClarity TOOL5 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: KubeClarity
generation: yes
consumption: yes
vulnerabilty_scanning: yes
cyclonedx: yes
spdx: yes


KubeClarity uses Syft and Cyclonedx-gomod (CycloneDX Tool Center) to generate SBOMs and offers SBOM scanning.

Tool data: K8s BOM TOOL6 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: K8s BOM
generation: yes
consumption: yes
spdx: yes


K8s BOM generates SBOMs from files, images, and docker archives and supports pulling images from remote registries. The SBOM data can be exported to an in-toto provenance attestation. For SBOM scanning details, please see the K8s BOM consumption tools section.

Tool data: OSS Review Toolkit TOOL7 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: OSS Review Toolkit
generation: yes
consumption: yes
vulnerabilty_scanning: yes
licensing: yes
cyclonedx: yes
spdx: yes

OSS Review Toolkit

The OSS Review Toolkit’s Reporter generates SBOMs in CycloneDX or SPDX format.

Tool data: Pkgconf bomtool TOOL8 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: Pkgconf bomtool
generation: yes
spdx: yes

Pkgconf bomtool

Bomtool is a feature of pkgconf and can be used for generating SBOMs for C/C++ packages under Alpine. Usage: `bash $ bomtool <package_name> ` where package name should be linked in pkgconf.

Tool data: Salus TOOL9 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: Salus
generation: yes
spdx: yes


Salus is an Open Source SBOM generation tool implemented by Microsoft. It allows build-time generation from source and packages, as well as CI/CD pipelines integration via GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps Pipelines.

Tool data: SBOM Operator TOOL10 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: SBOM Operator
generation: yes
consumption: yes
vulnerabilty_scanning: yes
cyclonedx: yes
spdx: yes

SBOM Operator

SBOM Operator uses Syft to generate SBOMs from each image deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. Relies on go-containeregistry for downloading images. Allows analysis.

Tool data: ScanCode TOOL11 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: ScanCode
generation: yes
consumption: yes
cyclonedx: yes
spdx: yes


ScanCode is an OSS tool from AboutCode that generates SBOMs for containers, system packages, and many language packages. Supports both SPDX and CycloneDX. It’s embedded in ORT, Tern, FOSSology, Fosslight, Barista, Philips software license-scanner, and others. It provides a (CLI, web UI and REST API) to read and write SPDX and CycloneDX.

Tool data: SPDX SBOM Generator TOOL12 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: SPDX SBOM Generator
generation: yes
spdx: yes

SPDX SBOM Generator

The SPDX SBOM Generator generates SBOMs from source code. The supported package managers can be found the the tool Overview.

Tool data: Syft TOOL13 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: Syft
generation: yes
cyclonedx: yes
spdx: yes


Syft generates SBOMs from container images and file systems. It provides both a CLI tool and a Go library. Supported ecosystems are available in the tool documentation.

Tool data: Syft TOOL14 ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tool: Syft
generation: yes
cyclonedx: yes
spdx: yes


Tern is a software package inspection tool that generates SBOMs for container images and Dockerfiles. Supports both SPDX and CycloneDX, SWID.